16 april 2012

Monkeys and cats

I actually saw the beginning of this clip at a friends but i didnt see the end back then. Boy did i miss out, dancing cats! How could you not show me that ending! Bjork. I've loved her since i was 8 (this seems to be 1994) and visited my uncle in Washington who gave me an (now old school) tape of her.

And not to miss that guilty please forgive me look of her at 4:32.


Yes there might actually be a theme, we seem to be posting quite  a lot of cat stuff. But hey cats are awesome, cute, fluffy and awesome. We might have to change the blogs name into Monokini Kitty. But then all the hard work of our friend Kevin making this beautifull Monokini Monkey drawing would have been for nothing. Our loyal readers may have already seen our post about Kevin, for those first timers, click here (oh my i just made my first word link, i might actually be getting this blog stuff) Thanks a dozen Kevin for this beautifull drawing again!


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